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Rib Shears

Rib Shears, Tijeras de costilla,Cisailles, Ribscharen, リブせん断, Cesoie a costine, مقص الضلع

Model: SI-060303
Gluck Rib Shear, Drawing Cut 21 cm..
Model: SI-060305
 Sauerbruch Rib Shear, 26 cm..
Model: SI-060306
Giertz-Stille Rib Shear, 24.5 cm..
Model: SI-060307
 Brunner Rib Shear, For Right Hand 32 cm..
Model: SI-060308
Brunner Rib Shear, For Right Hand 32 cm..
Model: SI-060309
Lebsche Sterum Chisel, 24.5 cm..
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