Set Details:
Sterilizing box, stainless steel, 50 x 20x 12cm. | 2 |
MAYO-STILLE, dissecting scissors, blunt, straight, 17cm | 1 |
MAYO-STILLE, dissecting scissors, blunt, curved, 17cm | 1 |
METZENBAUM, dissecting scissors, blunt, curved, 18cm | 1 |
Scissors, Dissecting Nelson Meetzenbaum curved blunt 23 cm | 1 |
D'ALLAINES, dissecting scissors, sharp/sharp, 20cm | 1 |
D'ALLAINES, dissecting scissors, sharp/sharp, 23cm | 1 |
BACKHAUS, Towel forceps, 11cm. | 6 |
Forceps, Sponge holding Foerster straight serrated jaws 24 cm | 1 |
Forceps, Sponge holding Foerster curved serrated jaws 24 cm | 1 |
COLLIN, Sponge forceps, 25cm. | 2 |
Dissecting forceps, 20cm, Del W. 25cm, diam. 2.8mm | 2 |
Dissecting forceps, 16cm, diam. 2.8mm, with teeth | 1 |
Dissecting forceps, 16cm, diam. 2.8mm, without teeth | 1 |
Dissecting forceps, 20cm, diam. 2.8mm, with teeth | 1 |
Dissecting forceps, 20cm, diam. 2.8mm, without teeth | 1 |
HALSTEAD, Mosquito forceps, curved, 14cm | 4 |
KELLEY, Hemostatic forceps, straight, 14cm | 4 |
KELLEY, Hemostatic forceps, curved, 14cm | 4 |
BENGOLAE, dissecting forceps, straight, 24cm | 2 |
BENGOLAE, dissecting forceps, curved, 24cm | 2 |
ROCHESTER-PEAN, hemostatic forceps, curved, 16cm | 4 |
ROCHESTER-OCHSNER, Forceps, curved, 15cm, 12 teeth | 4 |
FARABEUF D/E, retractor, 12cm, set of 2. | 1 |
FARABEUF D/E, retractor, 15cm, set of 2. | 1 |
REVERDRIN, Spatula, 28cm, Bay. Shape. | 1 |
LERICHE, Abdominal spatula, 31cm, 45mm Wide | 1 |
DEAVER, retractor 30cm 3.8cm | 2 |
DEAVER, retractor 30cm 5cm | 1 |
BALFOUR, abdominal retractor, with rachet. | 1 |
Groove director, 16cm | 1 |
Groove director, 20cm | 1 |
Probe D/E, 20cm 1.5mm Diam. | 1 |
Probe D/E, 20cm 2mm Diam. | 1 |
YANKAUER, suction tube, stainless steel, 28cm | 1 |
Holder, Needle Hegarmayo 20 cm with tungsten carbide insert jaws | 1 |
Holder, Needle Hegarmayo 23 cm with tungsten carbide insert jaws | 1 |
Holder, Needle Finocchetto 20 cm with tungsten carbide insert jaws | 1 |
REVERDIN, needle 19cm, No 1 | 1 |
REVERDIN, needle 19cm, No 4 | 1 |
CHAPUT, tissue forceps, 12cm, 23 teeth | 2 |
ALLIS, tissue forceps, 19cm, 5x6 teeth | 2 |
WILLIAMS, Tissue forceps, 20cm | 2 |
BABCOCK, tissue forceps, 20cm | 1 |
DE BAKEY, dissecting and ligature forceps, 21cm | 1 |
DE BAKEY, dissecting and ligature forceps, 24cm | 1 |
COLLIN, retractors, central 5075, set | 1 |
DE BAKEY, suction tube, olive diam. 9mm | 1 |
HABERER, spatula, 300 37/45mm | 1 |
BABCOCK, grasping forceps, 16cm | 1 |
BABCOCK, grasping forceps, 22cm | 1 |
COLLIN, grasping forceps, 19.5cm | 1 |
COLLIN, grasping forceps, 23cm | 1 |
Scalpel handle, number 4 | 1 |
Scalpel handle, number 3 | 1 |
Sterile scalpel blades, number 10, bo of 100 pieces | 1 |
Sterile scalpel blades, number 11, bo of 100 pieces | 1 |
Sterile scalpel blades, number 18, bo of 100 pieces | 1 |
Sterile scalpel blades, number 21, bo of 100 pieces | 1 |
Lotion bowl, diam. 12cm | 3 |
DE BAKEY, Aorta-aneurysm-clamps, 26.5cm | 2 |
KOCHER, intestinal clamps, soft elastic, 22cm | 1 |
KOCHER, intestinal clamps, soft elastic, 25cm | 1 |
KOCHER, intestinal clamps, soft elastic, 28cm | 1 |
MAYO-GUYON, kidney clamps, 23cm | 1 |
GUYON, kidney clamps, 23cm | 1 |
Dish, Kidney stainless steel 25 cm | 1 |
Dish, Kidney stainless steel 30 cm | 2 |
Gallipot, stainless steel 180 ml | 2 |
Gallipot, stainless steel 420 ml | 2 |