Chisels – Osteotomes – Mallets, Cinceles - Osteotomos- Mazos, |
Ciseaux - Ostéotomes - Maillets, Beitels - Osteotomes - Mallets, is - オステオトーム - マレット, Scalpelli - Osteotomi - Battenti, الأزاميل - العظم - مطرقة
Model: PS-0517
Cottle Bone
Lever/Splitting Osteotome, 20cm, 10mm..
Model: PS-0518
Cottle Chisel, 18
cm, Graduated, Hollow Cut, 12.0mm..
Model: PS-0519
Cottle Chisel, 18
cm, Graduated, Hollow Cut, 5.0mm..
Model: PS-0520
Cottle Chisel, 18cm, 16mm, Fishtail Shaped
Model: PS-0521
Cottle Osteotome,
18cm, 16mm..
Model: PS-0522
Cottle Osteotome,
18cm, 6mm, Curved, Graduated..
Model: PS-0523
Cottle Osteotome,
18cm, Straight, Graduated, 12.0mm..
Model: PS-0524
Cottle Osteotome,
18cm, Straight, Graduated, 4.0mm..
Model: PS-0525
Cottle Osteotome,
18cm, Straight, Graduated, 7.0mm..
Model: PS-0526
Cottle Osteotome,
18cm, Straight, Graduated, 9.0mm..
Model: PS-0527
Fanous Osteotome,
19.5cm, With Guide Thorn, Curved Left..
Model: PS-0528
Fanous Osteotome,
19.5cm, With Guide Thorn, Curved Right..
Model: PS-0529
Fanous Osteotome,
19.5cm, With Guide Thorn, Straight..
Model: PS-0530
Fomon Osteotome,
17cm, Straight, 5.0mm..
Model: PS-0531
Fomon Osteotome,
17cm, Straight, 7.0mm..
Model: PS-0532
Fomon Osteotome,
17cm, Straight, 8.0mm..