Nasal Speculums & Saws, Espéculos y sierras nasales, Spéculums nasaux et scies, Neusspeculums & -zagen, 鼻腔鏡およびのこぎり, Speculum e seghe nasali, المضاربات ومناشير الأنف
Model: SI-092217
Mod. Vienna Nasal Speculum, Blade Length 31
Model: SI-092218
Mod. Vienna Nasal Speculum, Blade Length 35
Model: SI-092219
Nasal Specula, ..
Model: SI-092220
Hartmann-Halle Nasal Speculum,15.5 cm -
6" Blade Length 27 mm..
Model: SI-092221
Nasal Speculum, 15.5 cm - 6" Blade Length 31 mm..
Model: SI-092222
Nasal Speculum, 15.5 cm - 6" Blade Length 35 mm..
Model: SI-092223
Martin Nasal Specula, 13 cm - 5" Blade
Length 17 mm..
Model: SI-092224
Martin Nasal Specula, Bent Sidewards 12.5 cm
- 5" Blade Length 17 mm ..
Model: SI-092225
Tieck-Halle Nasal
Specula, 13 cm - 5" Blade Length 16 mm ..
Model: SI-092226
Killian Nasal Specula, Set of 4..
Model: SI-092227
Killian Nasal
Speculum, 13 cm - 5" Blade Length 35 mm..
Model: SI-092228
Killian Nasal
Speculum , 13 cm - 5" Blade Length 50 mm..
Model: SI-092229
Killian Nasal Speculum , 13 cm - 5"
Blade Length 75 mm..
Model: SI-092230
Killian Nasal
Speculum , 13 cm - 5" Blade Length 85 mm..
Model: SI-092231
Cottle Nasal
Specula, Set of 4..
Model: SI-092232
Cottle Nasal
Speculum , 13.5 cm - 5 1/4" Blade Length 35 mm..