Model: PS-0601
Boies Nasal
Fracture Elevator, 19cm, 8mm, Blunt..
Model: MI-FD-203
Model: SI-012501
Buck Percussion
Hammer, With Needle and Brush 18.5 cm..
Model: SI-082201
Cancellous bone
screws , 6.5 diam with short thread..
Model: SI-030501
Caspar Drill Guide
Right Standard, ..
Model: SI-080101
Amputation Saw, Complete With Saw Blade Ref:- OR-010-92 35 cm - 13 3/4"..
Model: PS-0510
Cincel Cottle
Chisel, 18 cm, Cross Bar, Graduated, 7.0mm..
Model: SI-090101
Clair Thompson
Adenoid Curette, 1 cm - 8 1/4"..
Model: SI-100401
Cohen Uterine
Cannula, With 2 Cones..
Model: DG-0101
Reusable Battery Handles – Brass – Chrome Plated..
Model: DG-0301
Reusable Macintosh Blades – American Profile..
Model: SI-092101
Cottle Columella
Forcep, 11 cm - 4 1/4" Width 12.0 mm..
Model: PS-0744
Cronin Cheek
Retractor, 16cm, 19mm Wide..
Model: PS-0745
Cronin Lip and
Nostril Retractor, 15.5cm..
Model: SI-030701
Crutchfield Skull
Traction Tongs, Small Pattern Standard..