Model: SI-012601
Premium ENT Diagnostic Set, ..
Model: SI-050301
Rectal Biopsy Forcep, 42 cm ..
Model: SI-060401
Rib Spreader, Spread 9 x 20 mm ..
Model: SI-050401
Roschke Anal Retractor, With Fiber Optic
Illumination Blade Size 70 x 30 mm..
Model: SI-081101
Sauerbruch Bone Rongeur, Compound Action 31
cm - 12 1/4"..
Model: SI-091601
Schuknecht Rotary Knife, ..
Model: SI-080301
Semb Bone Cutting Forcep, Compound Action
24.5 cm - 9 3/4"..
Model: SI-092401
Silver Chisel Left Curved, 18 cm - 7"
Blade Width 5.0 mm..
Model: SI-091101
Square Punch, 30 cm - 12"..
Model: SI-080201
Stille Bone Chisel, 20 cm - 8" Blade
Width 10 mm..
Model: SI-01010601
Supercut Operating Scissor Straight Sharp /
Blunt, 13 cm..
Model: SI-090901
TC Fomon Nasal Rasp, 20.5 cm - 8"
Cutting Edge 40 x 7 mm..
Model: SI-01010401
TC Operating Scissor Straight Blunt / Blunt,
17 cm..
Model: SI-081601
Tending Interlacing Forcep, Pointed 15 cm -
Model: SI-01010501
Tenotomy Scissor Curved, 10 cm..
Model: SI-092201
Thudichum Nasal Specula, Set of 3..